Understanding, reassuring and supporting neurodivergent people & parents of neurodivergent children

Hi! I’m Emma, and I’m an accredited health and life coach.

I work with neurodivergent adults and parents of neurodivergent children to help them achieve what they want in their lives and feel confident and happy.

When I found out about my own neurodivergence aged 35, everything changed for me. I had just come through a battle with post natal depression and ended my marriage… I was on a mission to figure out what I wanted in life and how to be the best role model for my son.

ADHD and ASD gave me an answer to a lot of the struggles I’d faced throughout my life, and I set out to spread awareness and help others who are on the same journey. My ultimate goal is to ensure that future generations of neurodivergent children don’t have to go through what we did.

I am an accredited Health and Life Coach (BHC/BLC) and am working towards obtaining my ACC credentials with the ICF.

How I can help

Parents of neurodivergent children

I help parents of neurodivergent children to:

  • Acknowledge and accept that they are great parents and that they’re not failing
  • Be kind, patient and respectful of themselves
  • Give themselves permission to make time for their own needs
  • Learn to communicate with their children and empower them to be their best selves
  • As well as offering coaching I run a free Facebook support group for parents, here

Neurodivergent adults

I help neurodivergent adults to:

  • Accept their neurodiversity and learn techniques to manage the traits they struggle with
  • Learn to be proud of who they are
  • Identify their strengths and what brings them joy
  • Create a plan for moving forward and follow through with it
  • As well as offering coaching I have a Facebook membership to help neurodivergent adults improve their relationship with food and their health; This is Not a Diet

I have 1:1 coaching packages where I can support you over the course of 4, 8 or 12 sessions.
Prices start from £500 for 4 sessions.

Please get in touch for more information.

Exploring neurodiversity

Accepting that you may be neurodivergent can be confusing and overwhelming, and it’s often a very challenging thing to go through and accept about yourself.

Having been through the journey myself, I wanted to create some options for people in that situation to get some support and reassurance that they are on the right lines and it is ok to go and get help or ask for a diagnosis if you want one.

You are never a burden, your health is just as important as the next person’s and you deserve this space… but it can be very difficult to believe that.

Are you struggling to accept your own neurodiversity, or to know how to best support your neurodivergent child?

Whether you have spoken to a doctor or not, please feel free to book onto one of the options below:

Deep Dive Sessions into your child's or your neurodivergence

Stand alone 90-minute or 2-hour session for people who know that they (or their child) are neurodivergent, but don’t quite understand how that is impacting their day to day life.

  • Look at the challenges
  • Understand why they happen
  • Figure out solutions
  • Feal heard, reassured and confident about moving forward

Exploring neurodiversity webinar:
For Adults

These webinars are held on Zoom, and explore:

  • what neurodiversity means to you and to your life
  • how to be confident that this is ok
  • what your next steps could look like, and whether going for a diagnosis would be useful

Exploring neurodiversity webinars:
For Parents

These webinars are held on Zoom and explore:

  • how neurodivergence could be presenting in your child and impacting their behaviour
  • how you can make adjustments to your communication so that you can help them regulate more easily
  • what your next steps could look like

What my clients say about me

“I found Emma on social media and your content is so relatable, and you really unapologetically bring yourself to your content without being fake – you have good days and bad days just like everyone. This made you seem so approachable for me. I knew that you could help me without judging me.”
– Amanda

“Emma spent some really valuable time with me after we met at a networking meeting. She helped me to get a lot of clarity around the steps I wanted to take to understand my brain better, and I was able to plan what I wanted to do next with her help and input. Emma is a kind and caring coach, and a great listener. She really knows her stuff and is well worth consulting.”
– Siobhan

Contact Me